Friday, June 17, 2011

Marriage is a Right

if you dont know what Loving v Virginia is, look it up!!!!, if you dont know the story of it , you have no right to an argument on either side of this coin!!

i just read this article that made me have to blog.... this idiot (yes he is an idiot) really pissed me off...

heres a link to the article

His name is David Tyree, and he was asked by an anti-gay group how he felt about gay marriage, because there is legislation up for approval in his home is what he said that made me so mad......his words not mind....

"How can marriage be marriage for thousands of years and now all the sudden because a minority, an influential minority, has a push or agenda ... and totally reshapes something that was not founded in our country," Tyree continued. "You can't teach something that you don't have, so two men will never be able to show a woman how to be a woman."

And here is my response.........ill break it down one sentence at a time....marriage over the past few thousand years?? does he actually know about different marriage practices from the past 3 thousand years from all over the world...polygamy...arranged marriages...marrying off your 12 year old daughter to a 20 year old man, yes these things not only happened but were done openly , it was(and all still are in some places) "traditional marriage" woo hoo for crap traditions....moving on, a minority with an equal rights? yes i totally support minorities gettin out from under the thumb of the majority and getting equal rights, as for not being "founded" in our country , neither were voting rights for women, and slavery helped build the country for over 300 years, guess that shoulda been kept? some things need to change.... and as for that last idiotic statement...what about single parents?? is this guy saying all children of single parents that arent the same gender as their single parent cant be raised right??I was raised by a single woman, and i know how to be a man, explain that!... well David Tyree, or just moronic bigot as ill call you now, you are stupid and hypocritical...for hundreds of years in this country blacks had zero rights, worse, they were forced into labor and killed when they rebelled or wore out their usefulness but im not sayin the gay struggle is the same exact thing, and gays i dont care if you get mad, im not belittling your situation, im just bein real,you should be happy that millions of you didnt have to die to get to this point, but anyway... here you are a rich ex football player thats become a bigot,instead of being thankful for all your privileges, you just judge and try to keep rights from others, you should be ashamed of yourself, im sure ashamed of a black man you should be empathetic to the struggles for equality of others. Being mixed has opened my heart to ALL others, thats true equality.

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