Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mo Money, Mo Problems

There has been a ton of talk lately about money in the political world, namely mitt romney is worth alot of money, and other republicans are giving him a hard time for being "out of touch" with "real" americans, even though they themselves have multiple homes and dont and have never wanted for anything. Also in the same breathe they claim Obama is an elitist and that liberals are trying to wage class warfare because they are angry at the ruch for being rich....hmmm first of all, isnt that what they are doing to romney? second, there is a class war fare and it was most certainly started by some of the rich. Hearing them speak boggles my mind because they are such hypocrites.

Which brings be to another point along the same line, people love to hate athletes, professional athletes are often the target of peoples scathing reviews of arrogance,greed and selfishness. People will bring up their million dollar contracts, endorsement deals, celebrations, lockouts and lifestyles to support their claims that athletes are bad people. Some are, no doubt about that, but they are no more greedy or selfish than the average person, and as for their millions and lockouts to secure money, i suggest you think about actors and writers, they make just as much money and have the potential to have much longer careers than a pro athlete, and if memory serves actors hold out all the time and writers strike. Ive watched enough award shows and interviews and met enough actors,directors and writes to know that arrogance is not limited to the world of sports, and to dislike an entire sport for the actions of single players or even whole teams would amount to refusing entire movies based on one actor or entire genres for one film.

All im saying is be fair about what you say, dont call one millionaire selfish and greedy and than sing the praises of another unless you have concrete reasons for both sets of feelings, or else shut the fuck up lol, thankyou for reading :)

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