Saturday, January 1, 2011

Me (the facts of science and evolution) vs Drew Ross (opinions of science and evolution)

i just listened to a guy talk about evolution and he said and i quote "if you cant put forth an idea in an intelligible way on a cocktail napkin in a paragraph or two then it isnt a very clear idea"to that i say.. well the bible is alot longer than 2 paragraphs, and science itself is complex , its like saying surgery doesnt make sense because the average person cant do it.
he goes onto say, that in the 150 years since it was theorized that there is still no real evidence that its i guess millions of fossils and the discovery of several links and new and old species are nothing huh. I began to wonder how he would prove the bible, and what i have heard alot is the bible is true because its true basically, but that is actually the farthest thing from proof, saying "im right because im right" means less than nothing.

He also says that there are zero links between species to prove evolution and yet ive watched countless documentaries and read books and articles filled with transitional species that have traits from different species ,he also said no one has explained to him how certain things turn into certain other things , again he is trumpeting about proof, id love to see how he explains how a few people built a boat big enough to carry two of every animal on it. Also science and evolution dont claim to know everything unlike most religion, science is the study of the natural world and no evolution isnt 100% known but neither is surgery.

I also wonder how he believes in medical science which most of us dont understand and even the experts are learning new things.... perhaps Issac Newton didnt know what he was talking about.After all gravity is classified a "theory"

Maybe the early church was right when they said the Earth was flat and that the sun revolved around us, hmmm. They too couldnt fathom alot of things that were eventually proven to be facts.

My message to him and people that agree with him is...crack open a few science books and learn about it and the process , theories in true science unlike religion and politics and even history sadly are arduously and painstakingly researched and tested thats why we have medicine and technology, was the tv invented in 10 minutes.. nope, was the car immediately 100mph.. nope, did the light bulb come easy ,not even close, unlike religion , science takes its time to figure things out and doesnt just claim to be correct because it says so, you take a Tylenol and your headache goes away , you take a sleeping pill and you fall asleep, you plug something in and it turns on, thats all science, that was once not only not possible but most theories were at one time ridiculed especially by the church, mostly because alot of it was viewed as heresy and blasphemy.

He also claims that most people dont want there to be a God , really??... is that why 80% of the entire world believe in God in one name or another... dont believe me , look it up.

He then says that the cell is proven to be a tiny machine and that all machines have creators(paraphrased) well seems to me he believes what he wants about science and throws out what scares him or makes him nervous or what he doesnt understand or want to understand.

He claims to not be "anti-science" and yet he said in his podcast several times that alot of scientists lie and are atheists, well im sure glad Christians never lie, wake up!!!

Bottom line is we cant let our love of God blind us from the very world and things he created. ...theres the link to his podcasts, the one i just wrote about is called the evolution of evolution, since i believe in giving people a fair shake, i wanted to include this so you can get both sides.