Thursday, September 1, 2011

Animals have souls

One thing i have never compromised my beliefs on are animals. Now usually id say never changing your mind is a terrible thing, but only when it is for something that can be harmful or exclusionary or you have never even tried to push or falter. I have spent alot of my life with a deep fascination, love and respect for animals. I was the only 10 year old i knew that chose to watch documentaries....and id watch as many as i could, soaking it all in. When i was about 8, my family and i got our first pets, Ebony (our first dog) and Buffy (a dwarf rabbit) , both were filled with really strong personalities, and the loved eachother and us too, when we left the house , Ebony would let buffy out of her cage, yes ebony was always that smart... and shed chase buffy around the house, nope never caught her, could of, technically did, but shed jus lick her or smell her and wait for her to run again, it was cute, later on in life we got 2 more dogs Tabitha and Sunny, both are filled with huge personalities as well, and all 3 dogs have been very unique but all loving. The have been there for us in good times and in bad, they sense when things arent right, they get excited when things are good, they can tell seriously , like clockwork.

I know more about animals than the avergae person, not being cocky, i still watch as many documentaries as i can, so ive learned more than others have. So i can tell you without a doubt in my mind , through those documentaries, through reading, through coming into contact with animals, and living with some, i can say that animals are every bit our equals, different yes, in some ways but similar in many as well, i see just as much of a capacity for love, if anything often more utilized by a dog than a person.

So when i hear people say animals dont have souls, or that we are superior to them, i get angry, we as people are so arrogant to think we are better, because we invented a few things? yay we are smart!, woo hoo, only book smart though, our compassion,understand,acceptance and love skills could use alot of work.

Im not vegetarian or vegan, i know some of them would say i cant love animals if i eat them, but thats bullshit, i respect nature and its order, there is a balance, i dont kill for fun because thats wrong, yes any "sport" hunters , i think you are cold hearted assholes.  I think both "sport" hunters and vegetarians/vegans have it worng (i know theyd both be mad that i compared them) one side believes we are above them in every way and they dont truly respect life, they use heads as trophies and post pictures online like the climbed a mountain by themselves or helped cure a disease, and the other side "loves" animals so much that they refuse to do any "harm" and yet so many do other things that dont help, but their mindset seems to be that by refusing to eat any animal they are respecting nature, but how so? lions eat meat, tigers eats meat, dogs and cats in our homes eat meat, they arent wrong to do so, they dont do it cruelly or unchecked, there is a balance to it all, i think most either think they can "train" animals to not eat meat or they think animals dont know any better, and there in lye's the problem, both sides still seem to think they are better than animals, they just take different approaches.

Animals clearly love and understand...remember and miss....get excited,sad,scared and moody.
They are far more intellectual and loving than most people think or care to admit.
For one reason alone(though i have others) i feel compelled to dismiss the entire bible, the whole dominion over animals thing, not to mention countless verses of sacrifice and making uneducated analogies of how simple they are, they are more complex than most people understand or want them to be, read a book, no not that one, something newer, from the non-fiction section, like a science book, ya might learn something.

Nature knows what its doing, give and take, ever watch the Lion King? yea they actually had it pretty right.
Circle of Life people,
no trophies, no pacifism, you are both wrong.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Love and Blame

if a person had the money to give their child the best of everything,the wisdom to teach them the best of everything,the ability to protect them from anything and chose not to, everyone would call them bad what of god???? he has all this so-called power and yet uses it for what???

I hear people thank him for ALL good things and say in the same breath he isnt at all responisble for the bad, wow what a double standard that is. I hear those people talk about how we humans are responsible for all the bad and not capable of any good on our own and even if we do something that seems good it doesnt really matter or at least not as much as it could have if we did it for god....

we would never accept such a notion about a human (who admittedly have limits) but so many profess as fact that god is without blame though he unlike us supposedly has the power to rid the world of evil and yet we are made to feel responsible and guilty for all the bad...where is that fair?? how is that just??

now i have had christians say i am anti christian and i am to a point but i am also anti all religion to some extent(i dont like atheistic ideas either), thats the fitst time i mentioned a specific religion but i guarantee you most christians that read this will take it personally about their faith, i dont see muslims or jews or wickens as any more or less just, all think they have all answers or at least can explain most of the "important" things, but all wrongfully place blame and condemn others. I am against anything that is exclusionary.

my point...get over yourselves you believe what you believe based on the words and numerous changes and interpretations to and of those over the last 2000 years (every major religion has some kind of book), basically you are fucked because you live by a set of archaic rules (gender roles) that often are used to exalt some and put down others, yes even the mainstream does it, its no different than some magazines that make people feel like they arent good enough if they dont look a certain way or own certain things. All objective crap that some people believe as fact, its bullshit.

You are sadly mistaken my friends...i see people who profess there various faiths and some live out love in their lives but too many are very selective as to who and how they love, if you are in favor of not letting some people get married, if you are in favor of cuttin benefits for the poor,sick and elderly, if you believe that some life isnt as precious as others (hunting-ill use an animal for food like nature does but not for sport,abortion- if the mother is in danger or was raped then it is a necessary evil,the death penalty-too many flaws, we are playing god) you are wrong, flat out, i make no apologies for loving everyone and wanting everyone to have equal rights rights from human to dog to tree, all are precious in my eyes.

Yes we people are responsible for some terrible things but we are capable of such beauty too, I will not place all blame and no good on myself, i am capable of evil, yes without a doubt, but i can also love like no one else can, we all have that ability, if we choose to use it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bigotry is Bigotry no matter what mask it wears

i jus watched this amazing me thinkin...and feeling alot of things....the movie was called A Fond Kiss, about a Pakistani Muslim and an Irish Catholic in Glasgow and their romance, watch it!, its great.
The cultural,racial and religious bigotry really got to me, not that it shocked me because i have been there, but it still profoundly upsets me.....

Bigotry is alive and well, and kickin in more places than many care to see...there is cultural bigotry that has people shaking their heads at the customs of others and thinking their own ways are soo great, then there is racial bigotry as if skin color and tone makes someone greater or lesser than someone else, and then there is religious bigotry that says my religion is better than yours because mine is real and yours is fake, there is also sexual bigotry that extends from male/female roles to gays,lesbians,bisexuals,transgendered individuals.

Bigotry has many faces, i guarantee you, that several people you know are bigots in one way or another....know someone that wont date outside their race, maybe they are friends with other races , but marriage and sex are off the table, thats bigotry,  ever heard someone comment on another persons, clothes,music,traditions (those that harm no one and force no one into anything) thats cultural bias, ever heard someone say something about anothers skin or ethnic feature, does someone you know regularly refer to some people by their race?? do you know anyone that thinks a womans place is in the kitchen or that men shouldnt cry, i personally know gay people who think people cant be Bi, thats hypocrisy if i ever saw it.

Do you use words like faggot, or lump entire races,cultures and religions into one, as if all of the people of one name are the same???? I see it all the time, christians saying islam is violent and most if not all muslims are crazy murderers, and these normally sweet church going people freely use words like faggot and queer. It breaks my heart when muslims and jews and catholics force their children into weddings with "like minded and valued spouses" what values??! a marriage that is anything but 100% choice is crap. The disrespect of other cultures and sexualities, whether it be gay/straight or man/woman is that i have witnessed in my life has been deplorable, makes me sick to see people that claim to be so loving, so proud, of such high moral and ethical standards, with such trumped up "family values" say and do things that are absolutely wrong! I know it sounds like im lumping all into one, and i am..sort of, but only to explain broadly held belief and practices of major groups, saying that religious people turn out in large numbers to vote and demonstrate against lifestyles they dont "agree with" that isnt a bigoted statement , its fact, that alot use their religion as an excuse to be biased and often hateful towards others. I was reading an article about chick-Fil-A and went down to the comments and people were arguing about homosexuality (Chick-Fil-A has hosted and "allegedly" given money to anti gay groups) and some of the businesses supporters claimed that the owner is just christians so he gets accused of gay bashing but that he has said (o yea lets just take everyones word for everything) he loves ALL people...then i went on to read people , again supporters of the restaurant, say things like "we as christians dont hate or discriminate against them, we pray for their soul and that they repent from their selfish,disgusting ways" well if thats not hate and discrimination disguised as "love" i dont know what is

bias is also a huge when religious people dont want to help fund "baby killers" and yet churches get away tax free..and federal funds go to things like hunting reserves,weapons and the death i have to fund something i dont agree with????

I have heard people try to explain away their bigotry with lies,cop-outs, and "well some of them are that way" and "it is a sin" and "think about the children" and "its tradition" and "that's just weird" and "i have proof" and "you just don't understand" and blah blah blah and so on...its all crap....hate,exclusion,separation and traditional roles are ALL taught, they are not inherent, they are not set in stone, no one has a monopoly on anything from style to movies to music to love,marriage and freedom, ALL are entitled to it.

What makes you better than another?? not your race,culture,gender,sexuality or religion.

It is the choices you make that amount to your character, and how much you Love and truly love, not just those to which you can love easily that truly matters.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Santa is for kids, Karma is for adults

Most people seem to think they have alot of control over alot of things,and the vast majority believe that there is a specific order to the world like Gods plan,destiny,free will,karma and the like...
to me its like the the tooth fairy,sandman,easter bunny and the big one Santa Claus, most kids are told these stories to placate questions they have,we tell them to be good or Santa wont bring gifts,they are afraid when they lose teeth so well them a magic fairy will give us something if we put in under our pillow and dont peak and as adults we "know" these to be false now, but they believe it wholeheartedly, thousands of years ago the Greeks were convinced that a god pulled the sun across the sky and only a few hundred years ago alot of people thought the Earth was flat and it was the center of everything, 60 years ago America thought the Russians were goin to destroy see where all those thoughts got us?? My point is that sometimes people believe what they want to believe to make themselves or someone else feel better, "well, whats wrong with that?" you might be asking, whats wrong is that through fear,paranoia or even compassion can come heartbreak, when alot of kids find out there is no Santa they cry. Im not saying remove Santa from all memory but be responsible, if a group of 30 year olds, perfectly healthy mature ones, believed in Santa for real what would you say to them?? I'll tell you most of you would either laugh or think they needed to be put away, and yet we believe in things just like Santa....dont believe me, here are examples that make sense to me.....

The Tooth Fairy is like destiny, stay with me... you lose your teeth no stopping it though no ones knows when or how for sure and then you put your tooth under your pillow and poof theres money in the was meant to be! it can also be compared to god, most kids are scared/in pain when they lose teeth so we tell them the tooth fairy will give them something special for their tooth to calm them down, much like adults believe that if we pray/hope/have faith our pain will be stopped or at least rewarded one day.

The sandman is used to explain sleepy dust, the boogie man is the embodiment of every kids fears, we as adults arent aloud to believe in a magical rabbit that lays eggs and leaves you candy but we can believe in unseen forces that are "in control" to make us sleep a little easier.

Santa is to me best described as Karma, thats right karma is Santa for adults, people who think karma exists think that if i do good ,good will be done to me, (Santa gives gifts to well behaved children) if some one does wrong they will get theirs! ( Santa gives coal to badly behaved children)

Isn't it at least possible that we have grown to believe in things like karma and fate and gods plan because we are afraid of it not being planned, we are afraid of things being random, we tell kids santa is always watching so be good no matter what...and with adults we just replace the word Santa with God. I dont need a "spiritual" or karmic/fated reason to love someone or to have hope for tomorrow, faith isnt real hope, faith is a crutch people lean on to calm their fears, hope doesn't need karma,fate or a "plan", i have hope that i will one day meet a girl that can put up with me lol, no i don't think we will be predestined or fated, or if she cheats on me that shell definitely get punished, because i don't need to, im secure enough to know how i should be and treat the world and everything in it, without fables and regardless of the outcome, all these stories we tell ourselves end well, because that helps us feel better, but what if something bad happens at the end??
I just think that fairy tale's can do more harm than good when they are let to get out of control, so many people are so convinced of the spiritual,moral and cosmic behavior of the universe that it astounds me, when people are faced with something they cant explain like an 8 year old girl with cancer that's untreatable, we say "its gods plan" or "everything happens for a reason" but whats so different from those statements and things people believed about Greek gods? are Zeus and Santa any less provable than God and Karma????

Friday, June 17, 2011

Marriage is a Right

if you dont know what Loving v Virginia is, look it up!!!!, if you dont know the story of it , you have no right to an argument on either side of this coin!!

i just read this article that made me have to blog.... this idiot (yes he is an idiot) really pissed me off...

heres a link to the article

His name is David Tyree, and he was asked by an anti-gay group how he felt about gay marriage, because there is legislation up for approval in his home is what he said that made me so mad......his words not mind....

"How can marriage be marriage for thousands of years and now all the sudden because a minority, an influential minority, has a push or agenda ... and totally reshapes something that was not founded in our country," Tyree continued. "You can't teach something that you don't have, so two men will never be able to show a woman how to be a woman."

And here is my response.........ill break it down one sentence at a time....marriage over the past few thousand years?? does he actually know about different marriage practices from the past 3 thousand years from all over the world...polygamy...arranged marriages...marrying off your 12 year old daughter to a 20 year old man, yes these things not only happened but were done openly , it was(and all still are in some places) "traditional marriage" woo hoo for crap traditions....moving on, a minority with an equal rights? yes i totally support minorities gettin out from under the thumb of the majority and getting equal rights, as for not being "founded" in our country , neither were voting rights for women, and slavery helped build the country for over 300 years, guess that shoulda been kept? some things need to change.... and as for that last idiotic statement...what about single parents?? is this guy saying all children of single parents that arent the same gender as their single parent cant be raised right??I was raised by a single woman, and i know how to be a man, explain that!... well David Tyree, or just moronic bigot as ill call you now, you are stupid and hypocritical...for hundreds of years in this country blacks had zero rights, worse, they were forced into labor and killed when they rebelled or wore out their usefulness but im not sayin the gay struggle is the same exact thing, and gays i dont care if you get mad, im not belittling your situation, im just bein real,you should be happy that millions of you didnt have to die to get to this point, but anyway... here you are a rich ex football player thats become a bigot,instead of being thankful for all your privileges, you just judge and try to keep rights from others, you should be ashamed of yourself, im sure ashamed of a black man you should be empathetic to the struggles for equality of others. Being mixed has opened my heart to ALL others, thats true equality.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Religion usually equals Cult

.....i know i know you might be mad..thinking something like :thats not true!!, MY religion isnt a cult" or "its a relationship!, not a religion!, well i got news for ya, no one in a cult , knows there in a cult, or else they wouldnt be lol, duh! also no plastic answers or accusations like "im not in a cult, we arent gonna kill ourselves" or "im not in a cult, cults are filled with weird people that always smile and do strange things"(apparently you havent been to some churches) those excuses are cop-outs, the word cult, like the word religion encompasses a variety of groups that are at their base the same but with different branches...let me explain further.... most of us have seen or read about cults...the big ones anyway, or maybe we have known someone that joined and got out....what are the symptoms...loneliness,naivety, desperation, weak willed, maybe their friends or family are a part of it and symptoms like desperation or naivety cause a person to make join a group of people and think talk and act like them (sound familiar??) maybe you dont lose your whole self...but you start to only hang out with "other believers" or at the very least outside of work/school the vast majority of your time is spent with people from your not talking about best friends, we all should have them, im talking about groups, gatherings that read and talk together but usually only about one thing...their religion/relationship/ceremonies...whatever, your aim is solely on one thing, you bring your collective power together to accomplish what everyone agree is best...sounds good right?? well not to go extremist on ya but that what the nazis did...think about it, not every Nazi during WW2 was insane or messed up, but enough were and enough other people followed and that allowed them to do considerable damage. I'm not saying the cults of today are committing genocide, but they are causing damage. Even if "just" psychological,making people follow the crowd,filling peoples head with lies, inhibiting the freedoms of their followers as well as others. Spreading their hive mentality to the four corners of the Earth under the guise of "wanting everyone to be saved", brainwashing is what it is, how bout you feed them and give them a decent place to live, not because they are believers or because you want them to be but because they are fellow creatures(yes Creatures, im counting all animals in that too, dont get me started on what i think of peoples self elevated egocentric view of our relationship to and with animals)...and no im not just talking about christianity , though i do think they are the most guilty of anyone, but everyone from wicca to jewish want everyone to be like them, and no all religious people are like what i am describing, but too many are. I have been going to church off and on my whole life... i spent years going 3-4 times a week, and that just to a building marked church, let alone the bible studies and random gatherings, i have probably been to over two dozen churches in my life, heard maybe over a thousand "lessons" if i add up all the sermons,bible studies,youth groups and prayer meetings , i can easily reach that number, i visited a christian college, with plans to go there and study the bible to go into the ministry, i have read the bible cover to cover, i have taught lessons out of the bible, so i know what im talking about. Yes i am pickin on christians the most because thats what i know about the most, i have spoken with christian who talk poorly about jehovahs witnesses and mormons for their beliefs and their door to door thing, well every christian church i know goes door to door with outlandish stories , most just do it in other countries. Despite what you may think, i am not anti-religion, i am however anti control, i am against making everyone alike, i am against making everyone follow rules that govern freedom( im fine with rules that protect,care for and make things fair for people) but not rules laws and "lifestyles" that create hardship,loss of rights or stupidity. I think its sad that in 2011 more people accuse science of getting things wrong then random books that are at best here-say, your god,your magic, your spirituality...are they so important o you that you are willing to hurt others and yourself, are you so content with your ways that you are unwilling to explore alternatives......if you are, thats sad, i pity you, you have a small and weak mind,no not all religious people, but far too many go through their lives not asking real questions, or changing what needs to be changed, faith can be a great thing, but it can also be one of the worst when misplaced.... think about this if nothing else...are you trying to convert or to love, are you trying to make people believe what you do, or are you trying to love them, there is a difference, a rather huge one too

and in closing the definition of religion and the two definitions...notice what word is used a few times in the definition of cult?....


noun \ri-ˈli-jən\

Definition of RELIGION


noun, often attributive \ˈkəlt\

Definition of CULT

: formal religious veneration : worship
: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator cults>
a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Generational Battle

i recently fell into a discussion of generations, with the older generation and even some of mine claiming that this "younger generation" are spoiled,selfish,entitled and not very kind or smart, well i of course being part of this generation have a problem with being the generations before us had plenty of problems too, and two, they raised us!! so if there is a problem with us, they started it, and i was told that when children grow up they are responsible for their own actions, that true but see it is a parents responsibilty, at least partially, how come everyone seems to agree that that we are spoiled and entitled...who instilled that in us??? our parents! also idk who you know but i meet just as many selfish old people as i do young, i at least have hope that the young can/will change, older people have a much harder time getting out of their own head, the older generations love to preach responsibility, and yet blame alot of things solely on the younger, if parents arent responsible for how their children are raised, then who is?? but again, the older generations had/have their problems too, and if you asked their parents they would say the same thing about them that they do about us, its all perception, but it does start with parents, i am intelligent,kind and responsible because thats what my mother instilled in me at a young age, it wasnt easy but she worked hard, whats a copout is, if your children decide not to live with kindness that "it wasnt my fault, i tried" ,parents to a point cant be held responsible, but they are at least a little responsible, in almost all cases...its hypocritical to say that parents need to raise their kids right and give credit to the parents when the child turns out good, but then dismiss them as rebels if they act differently...o and i know plenty of kids who grew up to be better than their me, raised without a father , im already 10 times the man he is.
My mother wouldnt call me spoiled or entitled because she raised me right for the most part, but alot of older people that dont even know me lump my entire generation into the glob of selfish idiots..not fair at all, and most dont want to take any responsibility for their role, my mom didnt let me get away with murder, quite a few of the older generation let their children get away with stuff or didnt educate them about others,  like.. alot of parents just set up rules and expect things to happen, without talking with their children about the why of things, do this, dont do that..but why? values are not rules, they are a guiding force that people have to understand to use throughout their lives, there is a common attitude that children are to be seen and not heard, that creates alot of problems, like anger and frustration, are you going to listen to someone that makes you mad?? no you arent... i get told that theres no parenting handbook, actually there are thousands but i get what people mean...there is also no report card though..most parents claim that they did their best, gave their kids more than they ever had...but some are lying and some just dont know,  in school, say 5th grade, did you get to fill out the grades and reports on your own report card, no i dont think so,the teachers did, so they could tell your guardians what kind of student you are and how you perform... but parents want to tell me what kind of parents they are/were, isnt their perspective going to be skewed? Answer is yes, to those that think they did their best even if they didnt will say they did everything they could though thats a lie, and others that just didnt know or didnt execute properly will think the same. My father for instance, he probably thinks i didnt turn out that good because i have my own mind and i question his version of things. Well boo hoo, the only things he ever taught me were how not to be.  I get told that young people dont understand respect and think they know everything, thats true about some, but not me and many others i know, if you think about it, things like racism,sexism and stubbornness (the refusal to accept new ideas) are way more prevalent in the older generations, my generation not without our flaws, are easily more open minded, id like to see you question that fact.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

real fairness and Balance

in the interest of fairness, i try my best to be balanced, though i fall short sometimes, i still try, actually try...i dont see most people even think about trying, so here are some things i think people dont do/think/treat fairly and a little of what i think about em'......
hard to rank these in order of "importance" so im jus gonna write it as it comes to me.....

well since this was brought up recently ill start with welfare...a new law was passed in Florida that will require people on welfare to pass drug tests, i like this law, however the fervor of the positive reaction worries pisses me off actually, if i believed for a an instant it was done out of love for the ones that truly need it and with this new law would come more and better resources for the ones that really need because the ones that abuse it would be cut off then id be really happy, but thats not how it is, people are happy they wont be "paying for losers"...also there are people who want to control what people on food stamps buy (there is already alot of control, you cant buy hot foods, which is stupid, but you also cant buy cigarettes or alcohol, both bans are good ideas) but some want to expand the bans to include soda and items high in sugar,fat and calories and also ban the purchase of brand name items...well first off, food stamps arent given in mass quanities so buying cheap is what most people do, secondly, teachers,firefighters,policeman,politicians and many others are allso payed with tax dollars so why dont we tell them what do with their money, yea i know they "earned" it and if you think people dont deserve help then you are a heartless moron.

next up is proof,faith,research,hope,destiny....

it has come to my attention that no one agrees with me, but thats fine, because people cant even tell me why they believe what they do... faith can be a good thing, unless it becomes a crutch and keeps you from seeking answers. i get told that "everything happens for a reason" which i think is a cop out to make ourselves feel better, i get told God has a plan and that we have a destiny, and things are meant to be and i have to have faith, well what good is hope if everything is already written??and if we have a destiny and God has a plan and already knows what is going to happen, then do we really have free will?? and alot of those same people that rely solely on faith, tell me some of my beliefs are wrong because i cant prove them (like evolution, even though there is proof , just not proof they understand or like) you cant have faith as your base and attack a "lack" of evidence of someone elses beliefs, because you yourself rely on something that cant be proven. I get told that living without hope and faith scares people, yes it does , but doesnt that say that maybe , just maybe fear could be the guiding force of "faith" and that wanting to believe something doesnt make it true, religion pretends to be all knowing (yes all religion claims to know just about everything) and yet the basis for them is faith, unprovable,unquestionable faith, its really convenient to believe in something no one can prove wrong, but you have to realize you cant prove it right either.

next is freedom...of religon and speech and touches things like worship,practice and censorship and freedom in general like equal rights...

people demand freedom of religion and they deserve it, thats not at issue here, what is , is that in the US there is a large movment (not as small or abused or "attacked" as they like to think) that wants bible and prayer to be required, that wants intelligent design taught in science class (just a renamed version of creation) how is a government sponsored religion freedom of it?? as for speech, this is something people love to whine about, they want to be able to say whatever they want, and i do too, to a point at least...hate to me is never ok, so i dont think people have the right to say certain things, but anyways considering this country loves its free speech always yelling about their first amendment rights, they still want to censor music and movies and books and even if you arent part of that group im willing to bet you wouldnt support pornography in public..right? well earlier i said hate is never ok and music gets censored and im sure some of you said " well they have a right to say what they think (even if it hurts or scares people?) or you said thats to protect people from something they dont want their children to porn is evil, we are all naked sometimes but its evil right?? you are aloud to stand outside a funeral with a sign that says "god hates fags" but heaven forbid a kid sees a boob omg!!! its hypocritical, everyone wants something censored , so quit bitching about it just because you and the person next to you want different things blurred out, you are both prudes , just on different levels. Also involved in freedom is voting, if you dont vote, dont bitch about anything at all, because you have no voice you chose to be silent, freedom was helped along with voting, you can say soldiers did it if u want, they did, but they did what was voted on first, i know government is corrupt and full of lies boo hoo, everyone has lied, doesnt make it right, but if you arent gonna trust someone based on one lie you are going to be lonely, better not trust yourself either, there are no more lies and corruption in government than they're are business, not just big business, if you have 10 employees or 10000, then there are politics involved,and most families,churches and organizations are run the same way, by people.. so, flawed, yes they are but they arent without good points, i personally try to only support companies that openly support my ideals, its difficult because you cant be sure, but you cant be much more sure about the people you live with , so are you gonna just live your entore life calling everyone liars? which brings to me this, i refuse to go to Chick Fil A anymore due to their stance on some things like homosexuality, which christians like the owner of chick fil a openly oppose, they want to ban gay marriage(because they think being gay is a sin..well why arent there just as many christians trying to make adultery illegal?? o thats right cuz that would be fair!!) and chick fil itself lobbied against an effort in PA to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, so wait you want to be able to worship who ,what where and how you want but they cant marry or like who they want? hows that freedom, it isnt, its people demanding their freedom while trying to deny it to others, its wrong. equal rights means equla, for ALL if it isnt for ALL it isnt equal, i dont fight for blacks or gays or women or the poor seperately, we are all people , i dont like fighting for just one thing that happens to affect me, i fight for all, all creatures from people to trees to insects and dogs.

now something a bit lighter..sort of lol... people whine about orignality movies and music all the time , well books into movies may not be original but it can still be interesting and movies can do things books cant and vice versa, but this isnt new , remakes and adaptations have been happening since the 30s, so get over the "Hollywood nowadays" mentality, also scripts are basically books before they get filmed, and i dont know anyone who doesnt have a remake or an adaptation among their favorite movies , it all depends on what you like, which bring up another thing people like to talk about, popularity, if a movie is popular it doesnt mean its good, but it doesnt mean it sint good either, just because alot o people like something doesnt make it amazing but it also doesnt mean it sold out, you arent cool for hating popular things and you arent smart for liking what everyone else likes, it comes down to favoritism , we are aloud to like whatever we want, not because it is or isnt well known,or how intense,complicated,thought out,real ,sweet ,amazing or how much money it did or didnt cost, doesnt matter , just think for yourself, the money thing comes up quite a bit, how much money a movie made and all but it doesnt matter, yea i know it does, but only in the way that the makes are gonna be able to eat,live and make more, but so what either way, if i dont like the movie then i dont care at all and if i do then cool i get to see another, but thats it, its not the end or beginning of the world. Also money,popularity and "success" in sports, people love to love and hate lebron james, i dont like him myself, i dont hate him but i just dont like him, i was told that it didnt matter that people hated him because hes the best and has al ton of money and the number one selling jersey in the nba right now...really?? so what, if hes an arrogant asshole then money and fame shouldnt matter, and hell yes he is arrogant but dont hate him, he didnt kill anyone (that i know of) and even if he did that wouldn't be reason enough to hate him.

in closing i say that fairness is lacking...we need BALANCE people!!, look beyond your own nose, and start caring, and not just caring, but be logical, tit for tat ya know, stop being one sided, open your mind, expand your horizons, youll feel better , trust me, its no fun being one dimensional, why sell yourselves short or be selfish, its stupid , fairness is something everything deserves, balance is the way we need to live.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bad rap for politics

politics have a bad rap, i cant tell you how many times i hear "politicians are all liars and crooks" or "voting doesn't matter, its not like my one vote counts" and those statements always piss me off. Here's why... first off not all politicians are liars, you can roll your eyes if you want and be cynical but that's an overblown statement, second, one vote does matter especially since not voting is an epidemic and no one has a good reason for not doing it. It seems to me people thinks its cool to knock the system, by not voting they are somehow protesting what they see as a broken system, well sorry to break the news to you but not voting is the least effective form of protest, by not voting you have no voice at all. It's not cool to be lazy or uninformed, i also know several people who vote blindly, because of their parents,friends,church or just what they hear from a single source without educating themselves on the whole picture. That is even worse than not voting at all.  Fact is people that don't vote because it "doesn't matter" are just too lazy or stupid to do any real investigation into things, and people who don't learn all sides and instead just listen to someone else's unfounded or ill informed views are again too lazy or stupid to do the work, and both are selfish.

Also, politics are a part of everything, from education to science to religion to business, to families, all are run politically, think about in all of those things i mentioned there is a pecking order, a hierarchy, someones in charge and some are members and others just do as their told. families,churches,schools all vote on things, whether formally or informally they all decide what to do either through democracy (e.g. a vote at church by leaders and members) or through a dictatorship (e.g. parents/teachers telling kids what to do) both are political systems, politics have been around longer than anything else, its the structure of things, and whether you are conformist or rebel you have  political structure you live by, yes rebels even you have rules, less rules are still rules.

I'm not saying politics are perfect, nothing in this world is because everything is run by people and we are flawed, but we cant throw out the baby with the bath water... if there is something we like or dont like we need to be vocal, not disrespectful, or overly quick to judge, but a healthy debate on things is lacking in today's world, i don't see many examples of people being able to question something without being condemned to hell or called "un-American" or accused of being a Nazi or a communist, what the hell, is this 40s/50s WWII /Sputnik paranoia all over again??? wake up people, politics aren't perfect but they are a vital tool of life, religion,science,politics,math cant save the world by themselves, that's not how it works, they all work together, its like a hammer,nails,screwdriver and saw, alone they can each do their jobs but together they can help build something bigger than themselves, don't you want that? don't you want to be more?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hurt Heart

When your heart hurts, everything hurts.... your mind and body are thrown outta wack and you just wish it would end. I fall hard and fast, can be good but so far has mostly been bad. Recently i met someone that seems great, beautiful...funny, but as usual whatever light, whatever goodness, whatever dream i had has been replaced with hurt...the pain of not being wanted, the realization that no matter what i seem to do i always end up wrong, i remain alone, this time though, someone i love and trust a whole lot has in my mind betrayed me, right or wrong thats how i feel. Things have been said and done and cant be taken back but no one else seems to care but me and im so angry i can barely think about it without getting angrier. Im willing to bet money on the fact that neither of these people will read or even know this is how i feel in the slightest. Whats worse is i dont think they even thought about it at all or even care. I dont want these feelings, the love...the anger...the pain, i want it all to go away, i didnt choose any of these feelings but i have to live with them now, these loud voices inside my head telling me different things, and there is no one to drown out these voices. Ill still care about them both, and i still want them in my life, though right now that isnt a good thing, they are both happy without me which hurts, especially since they both affect my own happiness so much, what am i supposed to do, where do i go, do i try to tell them and risk further injury, or do i just push it down and hope it goes away.....RHJU%^E&YW@%$^*U$N^^EUD^*U^$&B^$N&W^$WRYUNSU^$SN^W&#@!@!@ $*

thats all i have to say about that......

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Once Was...Is

There once was a little boy
He desperately needed his dad to love him
Instead he was abandoned

There once was a boy
He wanted nothing more than to be accepted
Instead he was teased

There once was a young man
He searched for a best friend
Instead he was by himself

There once was a man
He desired to be in love
Instead he had his heart broken

And one day that man realized
that he was still a little boy
the pain of life saw to that

He is still afraid
He still feels alone
Huddled in a dark corner, wishing for comfort

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Me (the facts of science and evolution) vs Drew Ross (opinions of science and evolution)

i just listened to a guy talk about evolution and he said and i quote "if you cant put forth an idea in an intelligible way on a cocktail napkin in a paragraph or two then it isnt a very clear idea"to that i say.. well the bible is alot longer than 2 paragraphs, and science itself is complex , its like saying surgery doesnt make sense because the average person cant do it.
he goes onto say, that in the 150 years since it was theorized that there is still no real evidence that its i guess millions of fossils and the discovery of several links and new and old species are nothing huh. I began to wonder how he would prove the bible, and what i have heard alot is the bible is true because its true basically, but that is actually the farthest thing from proof, saying "im right because im right" means less than nothing.

He also says that there are zero links between species to prove evolution and yet ive watched countless documentaries and read books and articles filled with transitional species that have traits from different species ,he also said no one has explained to him how certain things turn into certain other things , again he is trumpeting about proof, id love to see how he explains how a few people built a boat big enough to carry two of every animal on it. Also science and evolution dont claim to know everything unlike most religion, science is the study of the natural world and no evolution isnt 100% known but neither is surgery.

I also wonder how he believes in medical science which most of us dont understand and even the experts are learning new things.... perhaps Issac Newton didnt know what he was talking about.After all gravity is classified a "theory"

Maybe the early church was right when they said the Earth was flat and that the sun revolved around us, hmmm. They too couldnt fathom alot of things that were eventually proven to be facts.

My message to him and people that agree with him is...crack open a few science books and learn about it and the process , theories in true science unlike religion and politics and even history sadly are arduously and painstakingly researched and tested thats why we have medicine and technology, was the tv invented in 10 minutes.. nope, was the car immediately 100mph.. nope, did the light bulb come easy ,not even close, unlike religion , science takes its time to figure things out and doesnt just claim to be correct because it says so, you take a Tylenol and your headache goes away , you take a sleeping pill and you fall asleep, you plug something in and it turns on, thats all science, that was once not only not possible but most theories were at one time ridiculed especially by the church, mostly because alot of it was viewed as heresy and blasphemy.

He also claims that most people dont want there to be a God , really??... is that why 80% of the entire world believe in God in one name or another... dont believe me , look it up.

He then says that the cell is proven to be a tiny machine and that all machines have creators(paraphrased) well seems to me he believes what he wants about science and throws out what scares him or makes him nervous or what he doesnt understand or want to understand.

He claims to not be "anti-science" and yet he said in his podcast several times that alot of scientists lie and are atheists, well im sure glad Christians never lie, wake up!!!

Bottom line is we cant let our love of God blind us from the very world and things he created. ...theres the link to his podcasts, the one i just wrote about is called the evolution of evolution, since i believe in giving people a fair shake, i wanted to include this so you can get both sides.