Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bad rap for politics

politics have a bad rap, i cant tell you how many times i hear "politicians are all liars and crooks" or "voting doesn't matter, its not like my one vote counts" and those statements always piss me off. Here's why... first off not all politicians are liars, you can roll your eyes if you want and be cynical but that's an overblown statement, second, one vote does matter especially since not voting is an epidemic and no one has a good reason for not doing it. It seems to me people thinks its cool to knock the system, by not voting they are somehow protesting what they see as a broken system, well sorry to break the news to you but not voting is the least effective form of protest, by not voting you have no voice at all. It's not cool to be lazy or uninformed, i also know several people who vote blindly, because of their parents,friends,church or just what they hear from a single source without educating themselves on the whole picture. That is even worse than not voting at all.  Fact is people that don't vote because it "doesn't matter" are just too lazy or stupid to do any real investigation into things, and people who don't learn all sides and instead just listen to someone else's unfounded or ill informed views are again too lazy or stupid to do the work, and both are selfish.

Also, politics are a part of everything, from education to science to religion to business, to families, all are run politically, think about in all of those things i mentioned there is a pecking order, a hierarchy, someones in charge and some are members and others just do as their told. families,churches,schools all vote on things, whether formally or informally they all decide what to do either through democracy (e.g. a vote at church by leaders and members) or through a dictatorship (e.g. parents/teachers telling kids what to do) both are political systems, politics have been around longer than anything else, its the structure of things, and whether you are conformist or rebel you have  political structure you live by, yes rebels even you have rules, less rules are still rules.

I'm not saying politics are perfect, nothing in this world is because everything is run by people and we are flawed, but we cant throw out the baby with the bath water... if there is something we like or dont like we need to be vocal, not disrespectful, or overly quick to judge, but a healthy debate on things is lacking in today's world, i don't see many examples of people being able to question something without being condemned to hell or called "un-American" or accused of being a Nazi or a communist, what the hell, is this 40s/50s WWII /Sputnik paranoia all over again??? wake up people, politics aren't perfect but they are a vital tool of life, religion,science,politics,math cant save the world by themselves, that's not how it works, they all work together, its like a hammer,nails,screwdriver and saw, alone they can each do their jobs but together they can help build something bigger than themselves, don't you want that? don't you want to be more?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hurt Heart

When your heart hurts, everything hurts.... your mind and body are thrown outta wack and you just wish it would end. I fall hard and fast, can be good but so far has mostly been bad. Recently i met someone that seems great, beautiful...funny, but as usual whatever light, whatever goodness, whatever dream i had has been replaced with hurt...the pain of not being wanted, the realization that no matter what i seem to do i always end up wrong, i remain alone, this time though, someone i love and trust a whole lot has in my mind betrayed me, right or wrong thats how i feel. Things have been said and done and cant be taken back but no one else seems to care but me and im so angry i can barely think about it without getting angrier. Im willing to bet money on the fact that neither of these people will read or even know this is how i feel in the slightest. Whats worse is i dont think they even thought about it at all or even care. I dont want these feelings, the love...the anger...the pain, i want it all to go away, i didnt choose any of these feelings but i have to live with them now, these loud voices inside my head telling me different things, and there is no one to drown out these voices. Ill still care about them both, and i still want them in my life, though right now that isnt a good thing, they are both happy without me which hurts, especially since they both affect my own happiness so much, what am i supposed to do, where do i go, do i try to tell them and risk further injury, or do i just push it down and hope it goes away.....RHJU%^E&YW@%$^*U$N^^EUD^*U^$&B^$N&W^$WRYUNSU^$SN^W&#@!@!@ $*

thats all i have to say about that......

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Once Was...Is

There once was a little boy
He desperately needed his dad to love him
Instead he was abandoned

There once was a boy
He wanted nothing more than to be accepted
Instead he was teased

There once was a young man
He searched for a best friend
Instead he was by himself

There once was a man
He desired to be in love
Instead he had his heart broken

And one day that man realized
that he was still a little boy
the pain of life saw to that

He is still afraid
He still feels alone
Huddled in a dark corner, wishing for comfort