Saturday, July 30, 2011

Love and Blame

if a person had the money to give their child the best of everything,the wisdom to teach them the best of everything,the ability to protect them from anything and chose not to, everyone would call them bad what of god???? he has all this so-called power and yet uses it for what???

I hear people thank him for ALL good things and say in the same breath he isnt at all responisble for the bad, wow what a double standard that is. I hear those people talk about how we humans are responsible for all the bad and not capable of any good on our own and even if we do something that seems good it doesnt really matter or at least not as much as it could have if we did it for god....

we would never accept such a notion about a human (who admittedly have limits) but so many profess as fact that god is without blame though he unlike us supposedly has the power to rid the world of evil and yet we are made to feel responsible and guilty for all the bad...where is that fair?? how is that just??

now i have had christians say i am anti christian and i am to a point but i am also anti all religion to some extent(i dont like atheistic ideas either), thats the fitst time i mentioned a specific religion but i guarantee you most christians that read this will take it personally about their faith, i dont see muslims or jews or wickens as any more or less just, all think they have all answers or at least can explain most of the "important" things, but all wrongfully place blame and condemn others. I am against anything that is exclusionary.

my point...get over yourselves you believe what you believe based on the words and numerous changes and interpretations to and of those over the last 2000 years (every major religion has some kind of book), basically you are fucked because you live by a set of archaic rules (gender roles) that often are used to exalt some and put down others, yes even the mainstream does it, its no different than some magazines that make people feel like they arent good enough if they dont look a certain way or own certain things. All objective crap that some people believe as fact, its bullshit.

You are sadly mistaken my friends...i see people who profess there various faiths and some live out love in their lives but too many are very selective as to who and how they love, if you are in favor of not letting some people get married, if you are in favor of cuttin benefits for the poor,sick and elderly, if you believe that some life isnt as precious as others (hunting-ill use an animal for food like nature does but not for sport,abortion- if the mother is in danger or was raped then it is a necessary evil,the death penalty-too many flaws, we are playing god) you are wrong, flat out, i make no apologies for loving everyone and wanting everyone to have equal rights rights from human to dog to tree, all are precious in my eyes.

Yes we people are responsible for some terrible things but we are capable of such beauty too, I will not place all blame and no good on myself, i am capable of evil, yes without a doubt, but i can also love like no one else can, we all have that ability, if we choose to use it.

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