Thursday, September 1, 2011

Animals have souls

One thing i have never compromised my beliefs on are animals. Now usually id say never changing your mind is a terrible thing, but only when it is for something that can be harmful or exclusionary or you have never even tried to push or falter. I have spent alot of my life with a deep fascination, love and respect for animals. I was the only 10 year old i knew that chose to watch documentaries....and id watch as many as i could, soaking it all in. When i was about 8, my family and i got our first pets, Ebony (our first dog) and Buffy (a dwarf rabbit) , both were filled with really strong personalities, and the loved eachother and us too, when we left the house , Ebony would let buffy out of her cage, yes ebony was always that smart... and shed chase buffy around the house, nope never caught her, could of, technically did, but shed jus lick her or smell her and wait for her to run again, it was cute, later on in life we got 2 more dogs Tabitha and Sunny, both are filled with huge personalities as well, and all 3 dogs have been very unique but all loving. The have been there for us in good times and in bad, they sense when things arent right, they get excited when things are good, they can tell seriously , like clockwork.

I know more about animals than the avergae person, not being cocky, i still watch as many documentaries as i can, so ive learned more than others have. So i can tell you without a doubt in my mind , through those documentaries, through reading, through coming into contact with animals, and living with some, i can say that animals are every bit our equals, different yes, in some ways but similar in many as well, i see just as much of a capacity for love, if anything often more utilized by a dog than a person.

So when i hear people say animals dont have souls, or that we are superior to them, i get angry, we as people are so arrogant to think we are better, because we invented a few things? yay we are smart!, woo hoo, only book smart though, our compassion,understand,acceptance and love skills could use alot of work.

Im not vegetarian or vegan, i know some of them would say i cant love animals if i eat them, but thats bullshit, i respect nature and its order, there is a balance, i dont kill for fun because thats wrong, yes any "sport" hunters , i think you are cold hearted assholes.  I think both "sport" hunters and vegetarians/vegans have it worng (i know theyd both be mad that i compared them) one side believes we are above them in every way and they dont truly respect life, they use heads as trophies and post pictures online like the climbed a mountain by themselves or helped cure a disease, and the other side "loves" animals so much that they refuse to do any "harm" and yet so many do other things that dont help, but their mindset seems to be that by refusing to eat any animal they are respecting nature, but how so? lions eat meat, tigers eats meat, dogs and cats in our homes eat meat, they arent wrong to do so, they dont do it cruelly or unchecked, there is a balance to it all, i think most either think they can "train" animals to not eat meat or they think animals dont know any better, and there in lye's the problem, both sides still seem to think they are better than animals, they just take different approaches.

Animals clearly love and understand...remember and miss....get excited,sad,scared and moody.
They are far more intellectual and loving than most people think or care to admit.
For one reason alone(though i have others) i feel compelled to dismiss the entire bible, the whole dominion over animals thing, not to mention countless verses of sacrifice and making uneducated analogies of how simple they are, they are more complex than most people understand or want them to be, read a book, no not that one, something newer, from the non-fiction section, like a science book, ya might learn something.

Nature knows what its doing, give and take, ever watch the Lion King? yea they actually had it pretty right.
Circle of Life people,
no trophies, no pacifism, you are both wrong.

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