Saturday, June 11, 2011

Generational Battle

i recently fell into a discussion of generations, with the older generation and even some of mine claiming that this "younger generation" are spoiled,selfish,entitled and not very kind or smart, well i of course being part of this generation have a problem with being the generations before us had plenty of problems too, and two, they raised us!! so if there is a problem with us, they started it, and i was told that when children grow up they are responsible for their own actions, that true but see it is a parents responsibilty, at least partially, how come everyone seems to agree that that we are spoiled and entitled...who instilled that in us??? our parents! also idk who you know but i meet just as many selfish old people as i do young, i at least have hope that the young can/will change, older people have a much harder time getting out of their own head, the older generations love to preach responsibility, and yet blame alot of things solely on the younger, if parents arent responsible for how their children are raised, then who is?? but again, the older generations had/have their problems too, and if you asked their parents they would say the same thing about them that they do about us, its all perception, but it does start with parents, i am intelligent,kind and responsible because thats what my mother instilled in me at a young age, it wasnt easy but she worked hard, whats a copout is, if your children decide not to live with kindness that "it wasnt my fault, i tried" ,parents to a point cant be held responsible, but they are at least a little responsible, in almost all cases...its hypocritical to say that parents need to raise their kids right and give credit to the parents when the child turns out good, but then dismiss them as rebels if they act differently...o and i know plenty of kids who grew up to be better than their me, raised without a father , im already 10 times the man he is.
My mother wouldnt call me spoiled or entitled because she raised me right for the most part, but alot of older people that dont even know me lump my entire generation into the glob of selfish idiots..not fair at all, and most dont want to take any responsibility for their role, my mom didnt let me get away with murder, quite a few of the older generation let their children get away with stuff or didnt educate them about others,  like.. alot of parents just set up rules and expect things to happen, without talking with their children about the why of things, do this, dont do that..but why? values are not rules, they are a guiding force that people have to understand to use throughout their lives, there is a common attitude that children are to be seen and not heard, that creates alot of problems, like anger and frustration, are you going to listen to someone that makes you mad?? no you arent... i get told that theres no parenting handbook, actually there are thousands but i get what people mean...there is also no report card though..most parents claim that they did their best, gave their kids more than they ever had...but some are lying and some just dont know,  in school, say 5th grade, did you get to fill out the grades and reports on your own report card, no i dont think so,the teachers did, so they could tell your guardians what kind of student you are and how you perform... but parents want to tell me what kind of parents they are/were, isnt their perspective going to be skewed? Answer is yes, to those that think they did their best even if they didnt will say they did everything they could though thats a lie, and others that just didnt know or didnt execute properly will think the same. My father for instance, he probably thinks i didnt turn out that good because i have my own mind and i question his version of things. Well boo hoo, the only things he ever taught me were how not to be.  I get told that young people dont understand respect and think they know everything, thats true about some, but not me and many others i know, if you think about it, things like racism,sexism and stubbornness (the refusal to accept new ideas) are way more prevalent in the older generations, my generation not without our flaws, are easily more open minded, id like to see you question that fact.

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