Thursday, June 16, 2011

Religion usually equals Cult

.....i know i know you might be mad..thinking something like :thats not true!!, MY religion isnt a cult" or "its a relationship!, not a religion!, well i got news for ya, no one in a cult , knows there in a cult, or else they wouldnt be lol, duh! also no plastic answers or accusations like "im not in a cult, we arent gonna kill ourselves" or "im not in a cult, cults are filled with weird people that always smile and do strange things"(apparently you havent been to some churches) those excuses are cop-outs, the word cult, like the word religion encompasses a variety of groups that are at their base the same but with different branches...let me explain further.... most of us have seen or read about cults...the big ones anyway, or maybe we have known someone that joined and got out....what are the symptoms...loneliness,naivety, desperation, weak willed, maybe their friends or family are a part of it and symptoms like desperation or naivety cause a person to make join a group of people and think talk and act like them (sound familiar??) maybe you dont lose your whole self...but you start to only hang out with "other believers" or at the very least outside of work/school the vast majority of your time is spent with people from your not talking about best friends, we all should have them, im talking about groups, gatherings that read and talk together but usually only about one thing...their religion/relationship/ceremonies...whatever, your aim is solely on one thing, you bring your collective power together to accomplish what everyone agree is best...sounds good right?? well not to go extremist on ya but that what the nazis did...think about it, not every Nazi during WW2 was insane or messed up, but enough were and enough other people followed and that allowed them to do considerable damage. I'm not saying the cults of today are committing genocide, but they are causing damage. Even if "just" psychological,making people follow the crowd,filling peoples head with lies, inhibiting the freedoms of their followers as well as others. Spreading their hive mentality to the four corners of the Earth under the guise of "wanting everyone to be saved", brainwashing is what it is, how bout you feed them and give them a decent place to live, not because they are believers or because you want them to be but because they are fellow creatures(yes Creatures, im counting all animals in that too, dont get me started on what i think of peoples self elevated egocentric view of our relationship to and with animals)...and no im not just talking about christianity , though i do think they are the most guilty of anyone, but everyone from wicca to jewish want everyone to be like them, and no all religious people are like what i am describing, but too many are. I have been going to church off and on my whole life... i spent years going 3-4 times a week, and that just to a building marked church, let alone the bible studies and random gatherings, i have probably been to over two dozen churches in my life, heard maybe over a thousand "lessons" if i add up all the sermons,bible studies,youth groups and prayer meetings , i can easily reach that number, i visited a christian college, with plans to go there and study the bible to go into the ministry, i have read the bible cover to cover, i have taught lessons out of the bible, so i know what im talking about. Yes i am pickin on christians the most because thats what i know about the most, i have spoken with christian who talk poorly about jehovahs witnesses and mormons for their beliefs and their door to door thing, well every christian church i know goes door to door with outlandish stories , most just do it in other countries. Despite what you may think, i am not anti-religion, i am however anti control, i am against making everyone alike, i am against making everyone follow rules that govern freedom( im fine with rules that protect,care for and make things fair for people) but not rules laws and "lifestyles" that create hardship,loss of rights or stupidity. I think its sad that in 2011 more people accuse science of getting things wrong then random books that are at best here-say, your god,your magic, your spirituality...are they so important o you that you are willing to hurt others and yourself, are you so content with your ways that you are unwilling to explore alternatives......if you are, thats sad, i pity you, you have a small and weak mind,no not all religious people, but far too many go through their lives not asking real questions, or changing what needs to be changed, faith can be a great thing, but it can also be one of the worst when misplaced.... think about this if nothing else...are you trying to convert or to love, are you trying to make people believe what you do, or are you trying to love them, there is a difference, a rather huge one too

and in closing the definition of religion and the two definitions...notice what word is used a few times in the definition of cult?....


noun \ri-ˈli-jən\

Definition of RELIGION


noun, often attributive \ˈkəlt\

Definition of CULT

: formal religious veneration : worship
: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator cults>
a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

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